The Honey Bee Festival
This is our Mayor Peter Koetsier Signature Event. This festival began in 2019 with a vision to help educate people on the importance of saving the bees!
Working together with Georgian Bay Biosphere and Bee City Canada we continue to educate, inform and protect all of our pollinators. As well as support the ever growing community of apiaries in the area.
Georgian Bay Biosphere
How is GBB going to utilize the funds raised with the Honey Bee Festival?
1. Impact to Native Plants for Pollinators
It would further knowledge-based strategies for species at risk and biodiversity conservation. Specifically, it would provide the resources we need to create an inventory of native pollinators within the Biosphere, including species that are at risk. This type of data will contribute to more rigorous research and analysis, and guide the design and installation of pollinator habitat gardens. To date we have planted 17 in the Biosphere.
2. Impact to Pollinator Education
Funding would significantly expand the impact of our education programs by fostering ecological literacy in youth and creating lifelong ambassadors for the pollinators of eastern Georgian Bay. It would allow us to deliver our unique "Pollinator Power" curriculum and field trips to our apiary for grade 4, 5, 6 students. It would double our summer ‘Kids in the Biosphere’ nature activities, by reaching an additional 300 families.